Face-to-Face Verified Data
We have data on 270M Americans (97%) based on our own outreach and on data partnerships we have cultivated throughout the years. We have phone numbers, addresses and emails which are ethically-sourced and verified face-to-face.
Marketing Qualified Leads
During our years of building Knoq, our software has been used to contact 10M Americans face-to-face and collect data from those interactions. We have also built relationships and negotiated exclusive data partnerships with credit, polling, energy and demographic databases.
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers (TCPA compliant)
- Email addresses (marketing verified)
- Demographics
- Purchase Behavior
- Opinions
- And More!

A Data Product Good Enough for Our Own Teams!
Due to Covid-19 safety concerns we paused neighborhood outreach in February. Our business has been impacted and we feel for other companies struggling to reach customers in custom, personalized ways as well.
In order to support other companies and continue building our team, we have decided to open up our internal data platform to groups that are marketing to consumers via direct mail, call centers and email.
We have data on 270M Americans (97%) based on our own outreach and on data partnerships we have cultivated throughout the years of reaching people at their homes. We have phone numbers, addresses and emails which are ethically-sourced and verified face-to-face.
Our product recommends qualified leads based on behavioral purchasing predictions, consumer values and other proprietary information.
Make marketing efforts cheaper and more effective
Don’t waste your time marketing to people who aren’t a fit for your products or who won’t qualify. Instead of guessing, use Knoq’s data to improve the efficiency of your acquisition efforts, save time, and increase revenue.
Industry Snapshots
- Mortgage Amount
- Lender Name
- Mortgage Loan Type/Rate
- Refinance Lender Name/Loan Type/Rate
- Credit, Financial Information
- Senior Adult in Household
- Health/Medical
- Investments – Foreign/Personal/Real Estate/Stocks /Securities
- Land Value
- Homeowner/Renter Property Type
- Dwelling Type
- Home Purchase Date/Price
- Home Pool Present
- Home Year Built
- Home HVAC/Sewer/Water
- Home Improvement
- Online Buyer
- Opportunity Seekers
- Education of Person
- Business Owner
- Investments Personal
- Dwelling Type
- Household Net Worth
- Voter ID
- Registered To Vote
- Census Block Group
- District Congressional/State/Senate/House/Legislative
- Ethnic Group
- Religion Code
- Education of Person
- Business Owner
- Investments Personal
- Political Ideology
- Fitness Enthusiast
- Health And Beauty
- Exercise Health Grouping
- Exercise Running Jogging
- Dieting Weightloss
- Do It Yourselfers
- Education Online
- Exercise Enthusiast
- Health Medical
- Self Improvement
- Census Median Home Value/Income
- Property Home Square Footage
- Credit Rating
- Home Purchase Price/ Year Built
- Home Improvement Grouping
- Common/DIY/HighBrow/Professional/UpscaleLiving
- Ethnic Code/Group/Hispanic
- Home Heating System
- Census Median Home Value
- Property Home Square Footage
- Parenting
- Children’sInterests
- Median Education Years
- Children’s Learning and Activity Toys
- Children’s Products – General/ Baby Care/Back-to-School
- School District/Subdistrict
- Interest in Education Online in Household
- Dwelling Type
- Number of people in Unit
- Pets (Cats/Dogs)
- Property Square Footage (Home/Land)
- Household Income
- Area Industry Construction
- Home Improvement
- Environmental Enthusiast
- Home Purchase Price
- Home Purchase Month/Day/Year
- Home Year Built
- Home Est Current Value Code
- PASS Prospector Home Value Mortgage File
- Home Mortgage Amount/Rate/Type
- Purchase Mortgage Date
- Purchase Lender Code
- Home Mortgage Loan Type
- Home Refinance Lender Name/Amount/Rate/Type
- Mortgage Loan To Value Ratio
- Area Below Poverty Level Families/Percent Unemployed
- Area Health Insurance Coverage No Health Insurance Coverage
- Area Percent Unemployed
- Census Block
- Ethnic Code/Group
- Hispanic Country Code
- Education of Person
- Business Owner
- Investments Personal
- CRA Income Classification Code
- Census Median Home Value/HH Income
- Dwelling Type
- Homeowner Probability Model
- Single Parent
- Highbrow Living
- Upscale Living
- Investing Finance Grouping
- Investments Realestate
- Invest Stock Securities
- Online Buyer
- Opportunity Seekers
- Renewable Energy
- High End Appliances
- Climate Change
- Renewable Energy
- Environmental Regulation
- Home Improvement Grouping
- Investments Real Estate
- Property Home Square Footage
- Property Land Square Footage
- Household Net Worth
- Home Air Conditioning
- Home Heating System
- Area Commuting to Work Other Means/Work at Home
- Area Occupation Sales Office/Service
- Area Percent Unemployed
- Area Income Benefits Earnings From Salary Wages/Social Security/Retirement Income
- Age Code
- Marital Status
- Occupation Group
- Occupation of Person
- Ethnic Code
- Education of Person
- Area Industry Construction
- Dwelling Type
- Homeowner Probability Model
- Length Of Residence Code
- Number Of Persons In Unit
- Home Improvement
- Direct Mail
- Cooking/Foods Natural Enthusiast
- Gardening Farming Buyer
- Special Foods Buyer
- Food & Wine
- Pet Owner
- Upscale Buyer In Home
- Interest in Cooking Gourmet/ Foods Natural
- Health in Household
We Respect Privacy
Our software has been used to knock 10M doors and have 3M conversations. We were able to match these 3M conversations with an 82% success rate to credit, energy and demographic consumer databases. These correlations power our back-end targeting and chat recommendation engines.
We believe that data should be a force for good so we carefully protect the privacy of individuals in our app. Our data and learnings are used to improve peoples’ sales experiences. If you would like to be removed from our database, please reach out and we’d be happy to comply.
Security is Paramount
Knoq recognizes that your personal and corporate data is very sensitive. We combine enterprise-grade security features with comprehensive audits of our applications, systems, and networks to ensure customer data is protected. Learn more about our security here.
Sell smarter with Knoq
Interested in learning more about Knoq data?
Enter your info here and we’ll get in touch ASAP!